Ed Witaker

Joined Crawford Builders: 2016

Experience: BS in Accounting from UK. 30+ years in manufacturing construction materials and construction.

Interests Outside of Work: Reading and traveling

Me, In a sentence: Analog guy in digital world.

Favorite Place on Earth: Sitting on the beach.

Desert Choice: Homemade Ice Cream

Baffled by: Foreign Languages

Best Vacation Spot: Myrtle Beach or Destin Florida. Flip a coin.

Superpower I wish I had: I want to be able to teleport from place to place.

When I grow up I want to be: Rich and good looking. I don’t need to be famous

Chatting in the breakroom, you can usually find me discussing the finer points of: Staying out of the breakroom.

Known to Coworkers as: The grouchy numbers guy.

Party Trick: What’s a party?

Favorite Food: Cheeseburger with all of the fixings

Favorite Thing about Crawford Builders: Seeing plans become a reality

Motto: If you always do right, you will never be wrong.

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